The sucking techniques from breast

This article is also available in Italian.

Proper suction to the breast is one of the key factors for the prevention and solution of problems of feeding, which are largely attributable to a technical mistake of the same.

The proper way to suck breast

  1. The mouth of the child is very open, wide open, and the lower lip is turned outwards.
  2. The nipple reaches deep into the mouth of the child.
  3. The lips and gums of the baby pushing against the areola, the colored ring around the nipple.
  4. The lower lip is farther from the base of the nipple than the upper lip.
  5. The tongue is positioned below the areola, to cover the gum and lower lip and the tongue out the milk, by compressing the nipple against the hard palate, with a peristaltic wave. The perfect juxtaposition of the child’s mouth around the nipple and areola, creating a negative pressure, which facilitates the transfer of milk.

The wrong ways of sucking breast

  1. The child sucks or “chew” the nipple only.
  2. The tongue works on the tip of the nipple.
  3. Lips and gums pressure on the nipple, not on the areola.
  4. The lower lip is vertical or turned inwards.

Only sucking the nipple, is not enough. The child who does this, as if it were attached to the bottle, does not take much milk and soon became restless, hungry and angry (at the point that he could refuse the breast). The situation can lead to breast engorgement, clogged ducts, and a decreased production of milk.

Very interesting about this is to see the videos that are on site These will help you to understand clearly whether your child, when attached to the breast, eat well, eat little or nothing, you will see how to eat a few hours of life but even after 2 days.

You can correct a wrong with sucking technique, finding the right position at the breast, but also find a comfortable position for you and your child. Would better prevent the problem, ensuring that the child is attached to the breast in the right way from the beginning.


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