Follow-on formula

This article is also available in Italian.

Our midwife Pia has always said this, but these days I read an article in the journal Altroconsumo, about follow-on formula.

Almost all pediatricians recommend for children 1 to 3 years, the follow-on formula, but as you can see in the diagrams on weaning, reported on the site, after a year of life the child can eat almost like an adult.

Some time ago, WHO distributed as informational material for midwives who gave assistance on breastfeeding, a magazine which informed that b>the cow’s milk can be administered to a child already starting from 10 months of age. Of course, one time, the cow’s milk gave it much sooner (6 months for example), now we say we want to wait for the baby’s digestive system is ready to assimilate it; then start with cow’s milk after the age of the first year of life, seems a good compromise.

We all know that the WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months later may be extended until, mother and child wish, even up to 2-3 years.

In the article mentioned above, is reported the interviews with Sergio Conti Nibali, pediatrician and responsible Breastfeeding Task Force of the ACP (Association of Cultural Pediatrics), which considers it inappropriate to give at the child older one year of age, the follow-on formula because, according to nutritional standards, “have no special benefits”.

At this point, the team of Altroconsumo analyzed thirteen different follow-on formula. Result is that, not being subject to specific legislation, the composition of follow-on formula is variable.
The actual content of milk varies from 40 to 60%, the remainder consists of water, many sugar (and only for that reason it was rejected by WHO), additives that make the product homogeneous, flavorings to make the most delicious milk for children, potato starch to increase satiety and vitamins to give the product more credibility.

And if your child has allergies or lactose intolerance, there are infant formula specific for him, but very good are soy milk and the goat or donkey (very similar to breast milk).

With this we can say that this is a commercial operation, because the follow-on formula, not only offers nothing more than in cow’s milk, but it costs much more, furthermore to a child after a year of life that can eat almost anything, a varied and healthy diet, alone, will supply the nutritional requirements needed for the growing child.

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