How to use the mobile phone

This article is also available in Italian.

The electromagnetic field strength decreases
rapidly with increasing distance! Then use the headset or speakerphone (not blue-tooth) which will reduce but not eliminate the effect of electromagnetic waves.

Shortens the call! Limit the call a few minutes, alternating ears and waiting for an answer before you bring the phone to your ear.

Do not call in a situation of poor signal, your phone increases the emission of electromagnetic waves. Expected to be received in full!

At night you do not carry the phone on in bed with you on the bedside table or under the pillow because the electromagnetic waves
disturb sleep. Do not recharge near the bed!

During the day should not be kept in your pocket or in contact with the body. Put it in a purse, backpack, and as soon as you can, you store it on the table.

Turn off your mobile phone when you are in a hospital or where there are medical equipment, aircraft and in the presence of people with devices such as artificial pacemakers and hearing aids.

At the cinema, theater, keep your phone off and use
the voice option
. I know, your phone will not be very happy …

Children should not use the phone at all, at best can only be permitted emergency calls!

You want to give you a new phone? Ok, you are informed, however, on its level of emissions. This quantity is called TAS, or SAR, and is expressed in watts/kg. To check your phone’s emissions, visit or directly on the official websites of the various brands of mobile phones. Here I put the main:

In confined spaces, you try to use the fixed telephone network
(not cordless) because, within buildings, the mobile increases its emissions of electromagnetic waves.

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