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In this old article I talked about the food, during pregnancy.
I want to remind you, it is important to avoid weight-loss diets, or exclusively vegetarian, when planning a pregnancy and that any changes in individual feeding must be adopted with your doctor.
Now I propose a low-calorie diet of 1800 kcal for pregnant women, drawn from the company’s health “Medio Friuli” and distributed during the prepartum course.
Note: The cheese should be eaten on alternate days. If you eat it every day, we recommend that you take for lunch, meat, rich in iron.
The food should be consumed in quantity and subdivision indicated in the diet, not taste food from a meal and another.
Eat slowly, quietly, chewing long.
Varying the composition of the diet using the food in the list of replacements.
Prohibited snacks, chips, pretzels, crackers, popcorn, onions, olives, etc. …
Use oil in quantities from the diet. It is preferable to extra virgin olive oil, because no chemical treatment, and because it resists better to cooking. Among the seed oils are recommended as sunflower, peanut, grape seeds; various seed oils are not recommended.
Pasta and rice may be replaced with wholemeal pasta or brown rice. Whole-grain products are recommended because the fiber contained therein, facilitates bowel movement: among these are preferred, those from organic farming. If necessary, the bran can be used, as it is to be added to milk or soups, or as tablets. It is recommended to alternate the pasta or rice with legumes because they are rich in iron.
Avoid flavored bread.
Cooking too elaborate, such as fried or cooked with added fat can make food difficult to digest.
As for the meat, use the following cooking methods:
Avoid sausages, meat and oily fish, molluscs and crustaceans.
Featured Fish:
It is good consume daily iron-rich foods:
The cheeses are an excellent source of calcium, and are preferred fresh and lean:
Avoid canned, with added preservatives, except for frozen foods.
Exclude spicy foods (pepper, paprika, pepper), the food too sweet and alcohol.
Avoid also the use of carbonated water and carbonated soft drinks, coffee by reducing about 2 cups a day.