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The baby poop can change color, smell and texture, depends on many factors.
Here we will make a guide to recognize it. We could classify it in 6 different types.
Beyond the mentioned types, remember that the following colors of poop should not be ignored:
In all these cases it is preferable to contact a doctor.
How is it?
The meconium has a distinctive dark green, almost like tar and sticky. There is little odor, but could smell liquorice.
Usually occurs 24 to 48 hours after birth.
What is happening?
This is the first poop of your child and is called meconium. This is all that the child has accumulated in the intestine during the second half of pregnancy: amniotic fluid, old cells of skin and hair, and intestinal secretions. The meconium is removed within 24-48 hours after birth.
Generally everything ends before returning home from the hospital.
If your baby gets the colostrum (your first milk), this will a laxative for him, and will release him quickly from meconium. However, if the child takes the formula milk, the meconium will be difficult to arrive, so that if after a few days after birth, the baby does not poop is better to call the doctor.
How is it?
Poop in the diaper is yellow, creamy, almost liquid, and can look like cottage cheese mixed with mustard. May be grainy and have a slight bitter-sweet smell. Sometimes, depending on the mother’s nutrition, the color may appear a lighter shade of green.
What is happening?
Breast milk gives your baby’s poop that color, texture and smell. Children who are breastfed produce poop that stinks less than that of babies fed with formula milk.
What can you do?
Do not rush to change the diaper just did poop because babies do not always poop all at once, and you could change the diaper after a few minutes.
How is it?
Remember the peanut butter in texture and color. Can have a smell of iron.
What is ?
With the introduction of formula milk, the baby will poop more stinky, and denser. He could also drink more and therefore have more bowel movements, this is normal until the poop is soft enough.
What can you do?
Do not worry if your child makes poop with more difficulty, because a diet with the addition of formula milk makes the color and consistency of poop different, comparated to breastfeeding.
How is it?
When the child begins to eat solid food, the poop becomes a dark brown, most compact and smelly.
What is happening?
Now that you introduce new foods, prepared your nose! Color and texture depend on what the child eats, and remember the beginning they have difficulty digesting certain foods. You’ll understand this when what comes out, looks strangely similar to when it was eaten.
What can you do?
When introducing a new fruit, in many cases may occur poop soft. It is preferable to start with new foods in small portions so, the stomach of the child slowly becomes accustomed.
Dairy products, meat and egg yolk (to reduce the risk of allergies you can talk with your pediatrician or you can follow our weaning) tend to produce more smelly poop.
How is it?
Brown, dry and hard, could be as small balls or large and knotty.
What is happening?
Constipation can hit all children, even if the infants exclusively breastfed are usually spared.
The child may hold the poop because of the pain caused by constipation, thus worsening the situation.
What can you do?
If the child is breastfed artificially change the milk might solve the problem.
If your baby is eating solid foods, ask your doctor if you give him foods rich in fiber. Plums, pears, peaches are good as fresh fruit and as juice.
How is it?
The poop is watery.
What is happening?
Diarrhea is often caused by a virus, so the child could also be agitated and/or have fever.
What can you do?
To prevent dehydration, which is common with diarrhea, give the child to drink plenty of fluids and as soon as possible, call your pediatrician.
If it comes to viruses, diarrhea lasts much (a week or more).
Of course you should drink a lot but no milk, no juice, no pureed vegetables. As an alternative to milk, but not exceed, the child can drink rice milk or soy.
Best to avoid the fruit but if you want, you can give your baby fruit with astringent effect as banana and citrus.
Same for the rest of the alimentation; give dry and astringent foods such as rice.
Please avoid all foods containing milk and even chocolate.
Partly taken from:
and translated by Tamara De Zotti