Browsing category English

The difficult role of the mother

This article is also available in Italian. The role of the mother appears, as I write below, something very complicated; in fact everything should be done so instinctively. A mother instinctively feel what is right for her child. Winnicott, a famous English physician and psychoanalyst, tells us that it is


Menstrual cups

This article is also available in Italian. I recently discovered the “menstrual cup” and after much research and opinions from those who have tried, I decided to buy the mooncup. There are different types. The Mooncup is made from soft silicone, and it has a duration of a period of


Alcohol in adolescence

This article is also available in Italian. We frequently hear of this problem among younger people, unfortunately, the abuse of alcohol is increasing. Everyone has different tolerance levels and those that tolerate it well, are the people who consume in greater quantities. What are the effects of alcohol in the


The crawling

This article is also available in Italian. During the first two years of life, the child grows and develops in surprising ways. During this period, before reaching the upright posture, passes through the craw, the first real phase of locomotion. Able to move independently without depending on others for the


Tips for winter clothing

This article is also available in Italian. The following suggestions were given to me by a kindergarten in Oslo and are directed at children, as is usual here, play a lot outdoors. So, we talk of clothes that need to be at the same time, warm, to deal with harsh


The Treasure Basket

This article is also available in Italian. For younger children who have just started to look around, but also for children up to two years, is very interesting the Treasure Basket, as it is called by Elinor Goldschmied. This game helps develop the ability to make decisions and for this


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