Browsing category English

Psychological disorders linked to obesity

This article is also available in Italian. I am here to deepen the article “The risks of child obesity“. I want to tell you, in short, the story of a boy of eleven years of age, reported by pediatrician Mel Levine in his book “The Myth of Laziness“. This is


Integration into the nursery for children from 0 to 3 years

This article is also available in Italian. The purpose of a nursery is to offer children, a person with whom they can relate to during the long hours that remain outside the house. Elinor Goldschmied (a leading expert in Europe of early childhood services), calls this person the “key person


Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine: MMR

This article is also available in Italian. Between 13 and 15 months of age the child is recommended the vaccination against these three diseases, which affect mostly children, in a single dose by injection under the skin of the upper arm near the shoulder. It also recommended a second dose


10 good reasons to choose a Waldorf school

This article is also available in Italian. There are many conflicting opinions on the Waldorf school, yet in many European countries, excluding Italy, is being financed by the state. Certainly there are pros and cons. Let’s see 10 good reasons to choose this school. The Waldorf school aims to provide


Screening for chromosomal abnormalities

This article is also available in Italian. We have already spoken of screening that are performed during the first trimester of pregnancy. Now I’d like to talk about the tests that are done in the second trimester of pregnancy, to detect signs of so-called soft markers, which allow us to


Preventing cervical cancer with Pap-test

This article is also available in Italian. Cervical cancer is a cancer very common, especially in less developed countries, where there not are prevention programs. In Italy the incidence of this tumor, has been halved since the 80s, with the introduction of the Pap test. Even now, the Pap-test combined


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