Browsing category Vaccines


This article is also available in Italian. One of the best holidays it is the holiday as future parents before the baby arrives. It’s yours babymoon. How to choose your destination Pregnant women can choose different places, but they should consider necessary to avoid areas where the risk of deadly


Common reactions to the administration of vaccines

This article is also available in Italian. Reactions may be local and general: The local reactions may occur at the point where inoculated vaccines, in order, with redness, swelling and hardening of the part. The location of the injections must be kept under observation, and if the local reaction occurs,


Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine: MMR

This article is also available in Italian. Between 13 and 15 months of age the child is recommended the vaccination against these three diseases, which affect mostly children, in a single dose by injection under the skin of the upper arm near the shoulder. It also recommended a second dose


Preventing cervical cancer with Pap-test

This article is also available in Italian. Cervical cancer is a cancer very common, especially in less developed countries, where there not are prevention programs. In Italy the incidence of this tumor, has been halved since the 80s, with the introduction of the Pap test. Even now, the Pap-test combined


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