Browsing category Parents

Healing with ginger

This article is also available in Italian. I wanted to tell you how to cure cough and cold. Children are much more sensitive than us adults and the winter and spring are the most difficult periods. In most cases it is caused by viruses and is manifested by inflammation of


Eye inflammation

This article is also available in Italian. Conjunctivitis differs depending on the type of infection; can be infectious (see photo), allergic or by irritation. The most common among children and young people is infectious conjunctivitis, bacterial type. This type of conjunctivitis is also contagious in fact often is transmitted using


First Aid

This article is also available in Italian. It ‘s always hard to hear our baby cry, but crying is natural and healthy because the tears contain an antiseptic that prevents eye infections. You should call your pediatrician if: The child has less than a month, and submit any sign of


Genetic alteration with caesarean section

This article is also available in Italian. As reported in a previous article, Asthma risk for babies born by caesarian section, seems that babies born by caesarian section are more at risk than those born with a normal vaginal delivery. Research done in Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and published last


The truth about the runny nose

This article is also available in Italian. It is common to see a child with a runny nose during the winter months, but when the mucus is yellow or green, is it dangerous? Surely a baby with a snotty nose is not nice to see. Not to mention when the


The difficult role of the mother

This article is also available in Italian. The role of the mother appears, as I write below, something very complicated; in fact everything should be done so instinctively. A mother instinctively feel what is right for her child. Winnicott, a famous English physician and psychoanalyst, tells us that it is


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