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The epidural anesthesia is increasing especially in Italy. Unfortunately that’s not all gold that glitters. There is much talk of epidural, but still too little.
Besides the fact that epidural anesthesia takes away the pain of childbirth through the administration of opiate drugs in the epidural space of the spine and then the mother is in a state of total consciousness; what we known about this technique?
From site
Epidural analgesia – abstract report Dr. Wagner, neonatologist, epidemiologist,Director Region Europe, “Department Maternal Child World Health Organization.”
Scientific evidence shows that the pain of labor in childbirth increases significantly due to:
- a pain in a place unknown, with unknown people around who follow practices unknown;
- being left alone during pain of childbirth;
- undergo artificial rupture of membranes;
- be subject to induction and augmentation with drugs.
So the woman comes into the hospital already in labor, she is subject to a number of things that increase the pain, the woman is given an epidural and, as result, she feels deeply grateful to the staff that has taken away the pain, pain caused mainly by employees themselves.
The pain is an essential physiological pain because it stimulates the brain to release hormones which, in turn, stimulates the uterus in a delicate process of feedback. With the epidural block this process is interrupted and the physiological distress is slowed or stopped..
And you can not say that the epidural is safe!
In addition to cases of partial or total ineffectiveness of the procedure,
are you aware of the risks for mother and child?
Risks to the mother, the less frequent:
and more frequent:Maternal hypotension (lowering of maternal blood pressure).
Risk to the baby:
Unfortunately it seems that the woman is encouraged to choose the epidural from the medical staff.
You think that some research has shown that even doctors prefer the epidural because it makes women more submissive.
Without considering that frequent use epidural analgesia in physiological shares has created a new specialization, the “anesthetics midwife”.
Not that this is just a source of profit?
For a pain more tolerable, it is important to find the right position, this will also reduce the time of labor and to avoid a caesarean.
Giving birth in water really helps a lot to reduce the pain (I have tried and I think also a 50% less).
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