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Test. Are you ready for the big event?

This article is also available in Italian. A simple test to find out how much you’re ready for the arrival of your child going through pregnancy and childbirth. How you and the future father, wait the big day? Serenely We face our fears With anxiety Have you decided how to



This article is also available in Italian. One of the best holidays it is the holiday as future parents before the baby arrives. It’s yours babymoon. How to choose your destination Pregnant women can choose different places, but they should consider necessary to avoid areas where the risk of deadly


Friendship cake

This article is also available in Italian. Herman is also called the friendship cake. It is a super popular cake, which is in many variations around the world. Herman is the name used in Norway, Italy is called the Padre Pio’s cake. It is a cake, characterized by a mixture


Games for children from 18 months to 4 years

This article is also available in Italian. Videos of some games that stimulate intellectual development of children between 18 months and 4 years. Play ball Playing with a ball is fun for kids of all ages, and helps develop motor skills. As you roll the ball can for example count


Healing with ginger

This article is also available in Italian. I wanted to tell you how to cure cough and cold. Children are much more sensitive than us adults and the winter and spring are the most difficult periods. In most cases it is caused by viruses and is manifested by inflammation of


Analgesics to comparison, for childbirth

This article is also available in Italian. This is what you can choose when it comes to alleviating pain. A quick comparison of painkillers that are available at the time of childbirth, and can be applied for before the baby is born. Epidural This is a local anesthetic, performed in


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