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Ricetta brodo vegetale per svezzamento

Nella prima fase di svezzamento si parla invece di passato di verdure, questo significa introdurre nel brodo vegetale una verdura passata alla volta e poi a due a due testarle insieme combinandole alternativamente. Questo ci permette di capire come l’organismo del nostro bimbo reagisce ed ogni alimento, non solo come


Common reactions to the administration of vaccines

This article is also available in Italian. Reactions may be local and general: The local reactions may occur at the point where inoculated vaccines, in order, with redness, swelling and hardening of the part. The location of the injections must be kept under observation, and if the local reaction occurs,


How much should a newborn sleep?

This article is also available in Italian. If we establish a routine, we can better understand the desires of our child, especially when he’s hungry or sleep, in reality the two are linked, and often misunderstood. We can make a diagram of how much should a newborn sleep, according to


How much should a newborn grow?

This article is also available in Italian. We all know that babies grow quickly. At the beginning they grow very much! You should weigh him once a week for the first month and then just once a month … Here, I want to make only a small pattern, easy and


How much should a newborn eat?

This article is also available in Italian. As a mom, I have also asked the same question, however, the following should be considered in an approximate way because, growing up, children learn to eat better and faster. Moreover, every child is different, some eat faster, and in 10 minutes have


Read the test of Nuchal Translucency

This article is also available in Italian. What can we expect when we go to do the test of Nuchal Translucency? Whereas there is no association between the Nuchal Translucency and serum concentration of free beta-hCG and PAPP-A, the values of biochemical and ultrasound can be combined to get a


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