This article is also available in Italian. The electromagnetic field strength decreases rapidly with increasing distance! Then use the headset or speakerphone (not blue-tooth) which will reduce but not eliminate the effect of electromagnetic waves. Shortens the call! Limit the call a few minutes, alternating ears and waiting for an
Leggi →This article is also available in Italian. In this old article I talked about the food, during pregnancy. I want to remind you, it is important to avoid weight-loss diets, or exclusively vegetarian, when planning a pregnancy and that any changes in individual feeding must be adopted with your doctor.
Leggi →This article is also available in Italian. I wanted to tell you how to cure cough and cold. Children are much more sensitive than us adults and the winter and spring are the most difficult periods. In most cases it is caused by viruses and is manifested by inflammation of
Leggi →This article is also available in Italian. The baby poop can change color, smell and texture, depends on many factors. Here we will make a guide to recognize it. We could classify it in 6 different types. Beyond the mentioned types, remember that the following colors of poop should not
Leggi →This article is also available in Italian. The diaper rash is quite common in newborn and children. How to prevent nappy rash. Obviously not all but most children have had and will have a nappy rash. The proper care, start by washing. So, do not wash with too much soap
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