Browsing tag Pap-test

Preventing cervical cancer with Pap-test

This article is also available in Italian. Cervical cancer is a cancer very common, especially in less developed countries, where there not are prevention programs. In Italy the incidence of this tumor, has been halved since the 80s, with the introduction of the Pap test. Even now, the Pap-test combined


Prevenire il tumore alla cervice con il Pap-test

This article is also available in English. Il tumore alla cervice, detto anche cancro al collo dell’utero, è si un tumore molto diffuso ma, secondo i dati dell’European Cancer Observatory, in Italia l’incidenza di questo tumore si è dimezzata a partire dagli anni ’80 grazie all’introduzione del Pap-test. Tutt’ora il


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