Browsing tag parents

Do you have a child between 2 and 4 years old?

This article is also available in Italian. Children around this age are not easy to handle when they start to resist your requests. Let us remember that the child is a person and as such we try to give him respect, and consider his feelings even when we are angry


Psychological disorders linked to obesity

This article is also available in Italian. I am here to deepen the article “The risks of child obesity“. I want to tell you, in short, the story of a boy of eleven years of age, reported by pediatrician Mel Levine in his book “The Myth of Laziness“. This is


Integration into the nursery for children from 0 to 3 years

This article is also available in Italian. The purpose of a nursery is to offer children, a person with whom they can relate to during the long hours that remain outside the house. Elinor Goldschmied (a leading expert in Europe of early childhood services), calls this person the “key person


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