This article is also available in Italian. In this old article I talked about the food, during pregnancy. I want to remind you, it is important to avoid weight-loss diets, or exclusively vegetarian, when planning a pregnancy and that any changes in individual feeding must be adopted with your doctor.
Leggi →This article is also available in Italian. A simple test to find out how much you’re ready for the arrival of your child going through pregnancy and childbirth. How you and the future father, wait the big day? Serenely We face our fears With anxiety Have you decided how to
Leggi →This article is also available in Italian. One of the best holidays it is the holiday as future parents before the baby arrives. It’s yours babymoon. How to choose your destination Pregnant women can choose different places, but they should consider necessary to avoid areas where the risk of deadly
Leggi →This article is also available in Italian. Between 13 and 15 months of age the child is recommended the vaccination against these three diseases, which affect mostly children, in a single dose by injection under the skin of the upper arm near the shoulder. It also recommended a second dose
Leggi →This article is also available in Italian. We have already spoken of screening that are performed during the first trimester of pregnancy. Now I’d like to talk about the tests that are done in the second trimester of pregnancy, to detect signs of so-called soft markers, which allow us to
Leggi →This article is also available in Italian. What can we expect when we go to do the test of Nuchal Translucency? Whereas there is no association between the Nuchal Translucency and serum concentration of free beta-hCG and PAPP-A, the values of biochemical and ultrasound can be combined to get a
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