Browsing tag recipe

Truffles with cocoa, coconut and walnut praline

This article is also available in Italian.   Preparation Melt the butter with the cream with low temperature and just when begins to boil, remove from heat and pour cream and butter over the chocolate (chopped into small pieces). Melt completely. Should remain some small piece of chocolate. In this


Recipe of the classic Italian pizza

This article is also available in Italian. Who does not love pizza! The children for first! As italian, I do it often and it is always a party for the kids. The prefered one is the white one. Everybody prepares the dough in different way. This recipe is the family


Friendship cake

This article is also available in Italian. Herman is also called the friendship cake. It is a super popular cake, which is in many variations around the world. Herman is the name used in Norway, Italy is called the Padre Pio’s cake. It is a cake, characterized by a mixture


Healing with ginger

This article is also available in Italian. I wanted to tell you how to cure cough and cold. Children are much more sensitive than us adults and the winter and spring are the most difficult periods. In most cases it is caused by viruses and is manifested by inflammation of


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