Browsing tag WABA

Breastfeeding in an emergency

This article is also available in Italian. Following the earthquake in Abruzzo (Italy) I feel I must mention the breast-feeding in emergencies, treated very thoroughly by several groups including MAMI (Maternal Breastfeeding Movement Italian), WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action, namely the Alliance Global operations in favor of breastfeeding), IBFAN


Allattamento in situazione di emergenza

This article is also available in English. In seguito a ciò che è accaduto in Abruzzo, mi viene spontaneo parlare di questo argomento, ossia dell’allattamento al seno nelle emergenze, trattato in modo molto approfondito da molte associazioni tra cui MAMI (Movimento Allattamento Materno Italiano), WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action


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